Prison advocacy: PREA noncompliance at TDCJ Hobby-Marlin Complex

TPI is filing complaints about PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) auditor failures to provide proper audits. This is one of our abbreviated deficiency reports for facilities where we have little specific documentation about violence and PREA noncompliance.

Content warning: Some of these letters describe threats and incidents of violence that may be disturbing. We will note whether each letter is considered a low, moderate, or high risk for being disturbing. We consider this letter to be low risk.

The following file is the TPI complaint against the auditor. The audit report by the auditor, which we feel was inappropriately submitted as final documentation of “compliance” with the PREA standards, can be accessed here. Some noteworthy points include:

  • The auditor fails to comply with Auditor Handbook encouragement to use person-first language.
  • The auditor falsely states the Hobby-Marlin Complex houses only “females.”
  • The auditor failed to conduct the minimum number of targeted interviews, even though there were clearly sufficient persons at the complex meeting target criteria.
  • PREA § 115.15: The auditor fails to appropriately assess cross-gender searches for compliance of this standard by refusing to acknowledge the actual gender of persons housed within the Hobby-Marlin Complex.
  • PREA § 115.21: The auditor fails to appropriately assess access to forensic medical examinations given that not even 1 of the 15 allegations of sexual abuse, including 10 allegations of sexual abuse by staff, involved forensic evidence collection via SANE.
  • PREA §§ 115.43 and 115.68: The auditor fails to properly assess the use of PREA protective custody within the Hobby-Marlin Complex.
  • PREA §§ 115.73 and 115.86: The auditor fails to make clear statements of compliance concerning these standards. It is not clear what or whether documentation was reviewed that would indicate actual compliance.

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