Letter Writing

TPI is open for persons who would rather come in to our community space to write letters and socialize. Our location and hours of operation are at the bottom of all pages on our main web site.

Most of our letter writing is done remotely since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is the direct link to the Google sheet we use as our backlog. If you would like to use the one-page spreadsheet and directory, that link is here. Note that you will have to have a password to get to this link.

The Backlog Sheet

At the bottom of the sheet (or frame if you are not using the direct link to the Google sheet), you will see tabs for “Letters backlog” (the persons we have been writing), “Contacts” (others you can contact with questions), “Instructions” (similar to these instructions), “COVID Complaints” (list of anonymous Covid 19 complaints and responses), “Examples” (some general use examples of how to address various topics), “Other volunteer hours” (for any hours not logged on the main letters backlog). The “Letters Backlog” and “Contacts” tabs are generally the only tabs you may need.

The Google sheet is sorted generally from oldest at top to most recent at bottom (there are some exceptions due to how we log the letters), so try to work from the top of the sheet (lower numbered rows) toward the bottom. This is the same as working our backlog drawer from the front to the back.

You will notice some color coding on the sheet:

  • Volunteer background blue means the letter is in Spanish and needs a Spanish response.
  • Volunteer background light red means priority (generally Dani or Nell should handle).
  • Volunteer background bright yellow means this letter is pretty easy to address and a beginner may want to look at it.
  • Prisoner info with cream or light yellow background means a volunteer has taken this one (either one-time or generally takes it).
  • Prisoner info with gray background and strikeout means it is done.
  • Prisoner info with green background means the person is NEW and this is their FIRST LETTER.”

The Process

  1. First, select a person you wish to write to.

    You are welcome to look at who is available and read their letters to see if you wish to do them, especially if looking at the New Correspondents tab.”

  2. When you decide to write someone, put your name is the column that says “Volunteer Name” and the date in the “Date Started.”

    It doesn’t matter if you start writing the letter that date or not, go ahead and put the date there so we know you have selected it to start. This is how we will track when someone has not been able to complete a letter and it needs to be given to someone else.”

  3. Download the most recent TPI letter (will be in Open Office format) and rename it to the date of the letter:


    so for a letter written March 25, it would be “tpi_2020-03-25”.

  4. Open in whatever word processor you use and replace the prior letter with your letter.

  5. When finished writing your letter, finalize location and date:

    Location: Check the location of the person (may use the link in the Google sheet if there is one, or may have to look up if federal or in another state) and update the address block in the letter. If you need help with this, contact Nell or someone else for assistance.

    Update the date on the letter to the date you finished it, then save the final letter.

    Update the file name to the date of the letter if needed.

  6. Upload the finished letter to the system.

    It will upload to whatever folder you are in, so make sure you are in that person’s folder, then:
    1. click the “Choose File” button,
    2. select the file in the dialog box,
    3. click the “”Upload File”” button.”

  7. Go to the Google sheet and enter the date in the “Date Ended” column, and the total hours for the volunteer log.

  8. Email Nell (nell@ that you are done.

    Note any copies that need to be included (like a copy of a Patient Liaison letter or something like that.